The student news site of C. Milton Wright High School

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The student news site of C. Milton Wright High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of C. Milton Wright High School

The Pony Express

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(New) Teacher Feature


Mr. Krumholtz 

Mr. Krumholtz teaches Technology Education. He has two courses, Foundations of Tech with 9-12th graders, and Advanced Design Applications which is only grades 11-12. His favorite food is tacos, and his favorite color is black, which people sometimes doubt him for thinking it’s a color! When asked what made him choose teaching, he responded with, “I had a lot of great teachers and coaches that I credit for making me who I am

 today, and I wanted to try to do that same thing for others.” His favorite part of the day is when he gets to talk to his son after school and hear how his day went. Mr. Krumholtz is inspired by “seeing a light bulb come on” in a student’s head after they haven’t been understanding, and they start to figure it out for themselves. 


Mrs. Parkinson 

 Mrs. Parkinson is an art teacher at C. Milton Wright. Teaching the courses Fine Art Prep, 3D Design, Advanced 3D, and AP 3D she gets to interact with every grade in the school, 9-12. To eat, she loves steamed crab, along with any other kind of seafood. She told us that her favorite color alters due to her mood, but she sees herself as a very colorful person! Mrs. Parkinson has been teaching in general for 12 years total in elementary schools and middle schools, but she chose high school this year because of the advanced skills that her classes learn about and the conversations she can have with her students. Her favorite part of the day is when she sees a student figure out something that was difficult in the past, and it reminds her that with practice, anything is possible! Mrs. Parkinson said that she is most inspired by her students, and that she admires them for their creativity and the unique ideas they all have. 

Mrs. Barrie

Mrs. Barrie teaches both 9th grade Biology and Honors Biology as a mustang this year. Overall, her favorite color is definitely sage green, and she loves sushi! Originally, Mrs. Barrie wanted to be a zoologist, but she switched to teaching when she realized her strengths in mentoring, teaching, and inspiring the youth to be the best they can be in this world. Her favorite part of the day are early mornings, before everything gets lo

ud and busy. The peacefulness allows her to relax without all the loud thoughts that occur in the middle of the day. Mrs. Barrie is inspired by Jim Elliot’s famous quote, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” 


Mrs. Salvi  

Mrs. Salvi teaches two courses, Pre-college math for seniors, and Ramp Up to Algebra for Freshman. Her favorite color is blue, and her favorite food is 100% fruit, genuinely any kind. Growing up, she always loved school! She had a couple math teachers through her school years that really helped her succeed, and she learned that she wanted to be a positive person for students like those teachers were for her. Mrs. Salvi loves the afternoon and is grateful that the school schedule gives her enough time to play outside with her 3-year-old son after school. Mrs. Salvi told us that her family inspires her the most, and she is thankful for them always motivating her to be the best version of herself that she can be! 


Mrs. Streett

Mrs. Streett is a math teacher at C. Milton Wright, specifically Algebra 1 and Geometry this year! Her go-to is a soft pretzel from Wawa all the way! Her favorite color is blue, and her favorite part of the day is when she w

alks her dog in the woods to get exercise and fresh air. Mrs. Streett originally started as a Civil/Environmental Engineer (stream and ecological restoration), but she always loved problem-solving aspects, which led her to the math classroom. She is always inspired by seeing someone do things they are passionate about; it excites and motivates her! 


Mr. Tran

Mr. Tran teaches Algebra 2 and math for 9-12th grade. His favorite food is Korean BBQ, and his favorite color is blue. Originally, Mr. Tran was on the engineering path, but after he had done a few courses, he realized that he didn’t exactly see himself in the field anymore. He then took that thought back to his high school and asked his teachers about why they decided to teach. He listened to their responses and tried the college course and enjoyed it. Mr. Tran enjoys the late afternoon (around 6-7pm) when he typically visits his friends. He is inspired by his own friends and family pursuing their goals! 


Mrs. Perdue  

Mrs. Perdue teaches Honors English l and English 1! Deciding on one favorite food was tricky, but when she did, she chose soup! Her favorite color is purple, but she prefers to wear black and gray! Her story as a teacher started when she was working her job at a bank around 10 years ago and her 9th grade English teacher came in and told her she always thought she would be a teacher. Mrs. Perdue said it sounded like a good idea, and she wasn’t really happy with her job, so she pursued teaching and ended up where she is now! She loves the mornings before everyone else wakes up and she has a little peace and quiet alone, but when a student says hi to her in the hallway, it makes her day! Mrs. Perdue is inspired by the former teachers who impacted her life, her positive relationships, and her son! 




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