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The Homecoming Bill

Where Your Money Is going
The Homecoming Bill

Do you know why you spent $30 for Homecoming tickets? Do you know where that money is going? Tickets sold out quickly here at CMW, with a thousand tickets being sold. Some students were extremely disappointed to not get a ticket, although maybe they shouldn’t be let down.

Homecoming this year was extremely bland with its only features being the water station and the DJ. Overall, $30,000 was made from Homecoming, but where could that money be going? I spoke with Leah Holman, vice president of the senior class and Mr. Gunter. Both of them said that the money is going to senior prom and Project Graduation, which pays for things like the senior trip to Hershey Park and other Senior events. When asked where the Homecoming profits go Holman said, “To be honest, prom.”

Now at first, I thought that was outrageous, but then I realized it actually makes sense. Prom has to get payed for somehow; the food and the venue are extremely expensive. I felt even more understanding of the price after finding out that the past treasurer of Project Graduation stole a large sum of the money, leaving the seniors with little to no money. I found out that this is one of the reasons that the school does not handle physical cash money and why everything is done on School Cash Online. Homecoming prices, although increased, may have increased for the best, but what do you think?  

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