The movie Saltburn is directed by Emerald Fennell, who previously directed “Promising Young Women” a horror film that becomes a revenge comedy. Saltburn begins at Oxford university, showing the almost obsessive relationship between Oliver (Barry Keoghan) a stereotypical poor boy at a rich school and Felix (Jacob Elordi) an outgoing and handsome student. Their friendship begins through an incidental meeting, and the movie becomes a rose-tinted romance. As Oliver loses his father, Felix invites him to Saltburn (Felix’s home) for the summer. After arriving at Saltburn, the movie shifts to a disturbingly erotic one-sided relationship between Felix and Oliver.
In my opinion, this movie is sickeningly beautiful as it emphasizes human tendencies to obsess and want things that we do not have. Along with conveying feelings of joy, disgust, sadness and discomfort to the viewer. A thought invoking movie that makes people wonder what exactly they just watched. Westley Morris in the New York times writes “It’s another music-video fantasia, but so cynical, literal-minded and literally cheeky that I cringed my way through it.” Which I think underplays the movie and the artistic image that it was made in. Overall, the movie was very well done and left me with many budding thoughts.