#5: A Nightmare before Christmas
My aunt argues with me that it’s a Halloween movie since it takes place during Halloween first, but its technically a Christmas movie as well since Christmas is a part of the plot/story.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is a wonderful stop-motion movie about Jack Skellington, this scary guy who lives in a town that controls everything surrounding Halloween, and when he learns about Santa Claws, a fatter guy who is a part of another town that cnotrols everything surrounding Christmas.
It’s a sweet and adorable movie, but the more I watch it as a more grown-up kid, I do start to notice some things about the story and people that I didn’t notice as a little kid that make me enjoy just a bit more- like how the mayor declares that he’s just an elected official and doesn’t really have any power over anyone, or how Jack Skellington says some fairly passive aggressive things throughout the movie in the most sly way possible.
#4: Rise of the Guardians
It’s not exactly a Christmas movie, but it has a more cultural-interpretation of Santa Clause, having a lot of inspiration from Russian and Slavic folklore and culture- which is really cool. Also Santa Clause in this movie is really funny and fights bad guys with swords.
Also, this movie was a big part of my childhood with my grandparents and stuff.
#3: Home Alone
It’s Home Alone. It’s awesome.
#2: A Charlie Brown Christmas
I understand Charlie Brown Christmas is sort of an odd choice, since it’s not even technically a movie as it does not reach the minimum time length required to be called one- (45 minutes), but its still a very dear movie to me. It reminds me of the few calm Christmases I’ve spent with the sparse family I have. It’s mood and atmosphere and old Charlie Brown comedy might not really be interesting or all that funny, but it’s nice and sweet and relaxing to hear the nice little piano while a little bald kid tries his best to make his friends happy on Christmas.
#1: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Jim Carrey.