The Five Nights at Freddy’s movie, which was released to the public on October 28th, is created from the FNAF series of games although the movie mainly focuses on the storyline of the first game. The movie tells the story of security guard Mike, played by Josh Hutcherson fighting the trauma of watching his younger brother get kidnapped. Along with expressing the unsettling story of child kidnappings and deaths, The Five Nights at Freddy’s movie has gotten mixed reviews from fans of the game and critics.
Top critic Clarisse Loughrey says, “Instead of catering to the in-built audience ready and waiting, “Five Nights” wastes time trying to win over people who couldn’t care less. As a result, what should’ve been an intricate, twisted, and absurd treat is demoted to generic horror movie sludge.” Unfortunately, I must agree with this, the movie felt boring and drawn out. The FNAF franchise has 20 video games, along with books and comics all of which encompass an extensive story line.
So, it was disappointing that the plot of the movie was so limited, small and generic. It felt like the age range of the audience was unclear as it was hard to tell if the movie was made for adults, children or somewhere in-between, with ranging graphic death scenes that contrasted with the scene of building a blanket fort. Despite using well-known actors like Josh Hutcherson who played Mike and Matthew Lilard who played Micheal Afton it was apparent the script and lines felt forced and abrupt, it was not the kind of movie that you can get lost in.
However, the movie’s graphics were extremely well done, as many fans were excited to see realistic versions of their favorite characters. Overall, the FNAF movie ended up being a slight disappointment as it was boring, slow paced and predictable. As a longtime fan of the FNAF franchise I was disappointed by this movie