Scooby-Doo is a classic cartoon that I’m sure all of you reading have at least heard of.
It was one of my favorite shows as a kid, but I also watched the Scooby-Doo movies and loved them too. But do they hold up to today’s standards? That’s what Drew and I wanted to figure out. So we both watched a different movie by ourselves and then two more together; here’s what we found. It’s important to say all four movies we watched were directed by Jim Stenstrum.
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island was released in 1998 and was the fourth of many Scooby-Doo animated movies to come out. I watched it as a kid and was very fond of it, but while rewatching, I appreciated it even more. In my opinion, this was the best movie out of the three I watched. The animation style was amazing and reminded me of the original Scooby-Doo show, even though it was released thirty years later.
The story is that the group breaks up because they’re tired of catching bad guys, dressed up as monsters, and it was getting boring. During this time Daphne starts a television show and admits that she misses the gang. Scooby, Shaggy, and Velma see the show and agree. They get the gang back together for an adventure to catch a real ghost. They go to New Orleans for a reported haunted house, and while stopped at a farmers market they meet Lena .She tells them she lives at a haunted house and invites them to investigate. Once they get there, they immediately see a ghost carving the words, “Get out.”. Shortly after, Scooby and Shaggy find a zombie pirate, and it starts chasing them. They sprint back to the house and run into the gardener, Bou. He goes to look but doesn’t see any. The scene cuts to Fred and Daphne being chased by one when they catch it and try to take his mask off, but the zombie’s whole head comes off, revealing that the zombies were real. We find out that the ghost from the beginning had a crew of pirates who invaded the land. Lena and her friend were the only two survivors, so they sold there soul to the cat god and stole the pirates souls, needing to steal souls every full moon. Bou, the gardener, is an undercover police officer who helps Mystery Inc. bust them and all of the zombies souls fly in the air.
Alien invaders had a very similar art style to Zombie Island, which I enjoyed. This movie was released in 2000 and was the third movie to be released by Jim Stenstrum. In the movie while driving, Shaggy accidentally drives onto private property, and the Mystery Inc. sees a UFO and crashes the car. Fred, Velma, and Daphne walk into town to find help and stumble upon an old man who claims he got abducted by aliens and has pictures at his house. While this is happening, Scooby and Shaggy are getting chased into town by aliens! They gathered at the diner, the old man offers them to stay at his house for the night, until their van gets fixed. Scooby and Shaggy get abducted! After they wake up in the desert, they get driven to town by a hippy girl named Crystal and her dog. Crystal says that they were sent by the government to look for aliens and go back to the cave from the beginning of the movie. In the meantime, Fred, Daphne, and Velma visit a satellite plant run by the government that claims to be looking for aliens. While leaving, they catch some lies in there stories. Getting suspicious, they go to the same cave to look for clues and stumble upon Scooby and Shaggy with Crystal. They all find a massive gold mine, run by the government. They find fake aliens costumes and, a UFO-themed helicopter. After they go after Scooby and Shaggy, Crystal and the dog turn into aliens and catch all of the corrupt government workers, and the movie ends with Crystal and her dog going back to their home planet.
After watching both movies, they definitely hold up to today’s standards and were amazing in me and Drews opinion, you should definitely check them out.