Here at C.Milton our French club holds monthly meetings with fun themes, and for December the French committee decided to throw a Christmas party! On Monday the 11th me and about 8 other kids stayed after school to help set it up. We made snowflakes out of paper, put up tinsel around the room, decorated the mini-Eiffel tower with snowflake ornaments, and put up some Christmas posters around the room. The French committee worked on the door decoration which had ornaments with French words on the outside, and the English translation on the inside which looked great, all while listening to Christmas music.
The real party was on Tuesday and a lot more people showed up. Ms. Gasper, the French teacher brought “Buche de noel” which means “Yule log” and is a classic cake which originated in France and is a chocolate cake, rolled in a frosting, to look like a fire log, and it was delicious. To go with it, there was hot chocolate being made by the French committee too! There was a snowflake station if you wanted to make paper snowflakes for the room, and a card station if you wanted to write someone a nice note. There were also card games which a lot of people were playing. Overall, it was so much fun, and I had a great time. I hope to see you at the next one!