Most of us have one or two pieces of clothes that we don’t wear anymore, but you do not want to throw them away. Mrs. Christ and Mrs. Gasper have some, so they organized a clothing swap on Tuesday the 16th after school in the cafeteria, and it was a blast! They had cookies, rice crispies, popcorn and even juice. Along with that, Mrs. Christ brought her speaker, so there was music which was very nice and created a cool vibe.
When we first got there, me and the other students made a cool nametag which we put on the poster in the middle of the cafeteria and library. Mrs. Christ had also brought her mustang mirror so students could see what they looked like in their new digs! Now, what clothes were there? The first table was full of tops and some hoodies. The second table had a bunch of cute shorts and some skirts and jeans. These clothes were generously donated by Mrs. Christ and Mrs. Gasper. Along with that Mrs. Gasper had brought a cute necklace and a pair of Ugg’s that she doesn’t wear much, so decided someone else could use them. The last item was the coolest. Mrs., Christ found a vintage C. Milton Wright jacket that says “MUSTANGS” that YOU, yes YOU could’ve had. Because this was the first time they’re hosting the event, only about 10 students came, but hopefully next time the word gets around, because anyone can come, and feel free to bring friends.
As it was ending, Mrs. Richardson came in and talked to us about an up and coming idea she wants to pursue, “The care n shares stable,” a place for anyone who’s in need of clothes. This is still an idea and will be talked about more once it’s official!