Unbroken is based on the true story of the life of Louis Zamperini. He was a former Olympic track star and lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. This is a terrific book about a man who made it to the Berlin Olympics but was called to fight in WWII.
Once he is called to fight, his plane is shot down. Louis manages to survive 47 days at sea dealing with starvation, sharks, and finding the will to fight. Unfortunately, his situation is worsened when he is captured by the Japanese and taken to their prisoner of war camp where he endures two years of beatings and forced labor. Louis is eventually rescued by the Americans when the war ends.
He finally comes home and starts a family. Unfortunately, however, Louis suffers from PTSD after the trauma he endured during the war. His condition causes many problems in his personal life with his family.
I really enjoyed reading this book because it is a testament to the strength, determination, and courage of man in terrible situations.