The movie “Anyone but You” is a romantic comedy that follows the story of Bea and Ben, the main characters. They have this incredible first date that goes well, but things turn when Bea leaves Ben’s place early the next morning. She soon realizes that leaving was a bad decision, but when Bea gets back to Ben’s house, she overhears him telling his friend that he couldn’t wait for her to leave-that she was “nothing” to him. What Bea doesn’t know is that Ben is just trying to bury his feelings for her after she left without saying goodbye, leading to a misunderstanding that sets the tone for the rest of the movie.
Fast forward to the future, and they unexpectedly cross paths again at Bea’s sister’s bridal party who’s, marrying one of Ben’s childhood friends in Sydney, Australia. Several people around them fear Ben and Bea’s tension will cause trouble at the wedding. So, they devise a plan to get the angry exes to make up. However, Bea and Ben catch onto their plan, but they don’t think it’s a bad idea. Not because they are interested in getting along, but because they can use this strategy for themselves. Bea’s parents invite her ex-fiancé to the wedding, hoping for them to get back together-something she has no intention of doing. Meanwhile, Ben tries to make his ex-girlfriend jealous by making her want “something she can’t have”. Bea and Ben play along but, as you can guess, their pretending turns into something real and they fall in love with each other.
In conclusion, “Anyone but You” is more than just a romantic comedy. It’s a story about love, misunderstanding, reconciliation, and the complexities of modern relationships. It’s a movie that tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling. I absolutely loved it, and I would highly recommend it.