Fall sports are back in full swing and so is the student section. The football mustangs hadtheir home opener against Havre De Grace on September 6th. Although it was a loss of 35–14, thestudent section did not disappoint. The ‘stangs showed up in their best red, white and blue outfitsand with their most patriotic spirits to help support our football team. The ‘stangs cheered and sangsongs including “Party in the USA” and “Star Spangled Banner” with their loudest voices. If youare free on Friday night, you know where to go. Our next home game is against Elkton onSeptember 27th. To keep yourself updated on games and themes follow the CMW spirit page onInstagram, @cmwhype.
The student section has an impact on our players. In an interview with PhoebeHennessey, one of the student section leaders, she expressed how much effect a good studentsection has on the field. She says that a loud and aggressive section, that’s very involved, gets theplayers hyped and energized.
Phoebe is most excited about being a student section leader this year due to getting tolead it with her friend group. She’s a leader alongside Ava Lewis, Dylan Sander, and AlexAshman. She loves that she gets to plan out themes for the games. Some of the themes this yearmay include black out, white out, pink out, neon, and more. The themes are usually announced aday before or the day of the game. As stated before, please refer to the CMW spirit account tosee the theme.
If you are attending a game, there is some information you need to know. A majorproblem the student section is experiencing is the seating arrangements. Phoebe and the otherleaders want to make sure the seating arrangements are clear this year. She expressed that in pastyears, “Underclassman have not been very cooperative”. She explained how they are working onmaking signs to direct people better to their seats. The student section can get crowded, but makesure you are aware where your seat is. As a reminder, seniors are in the front, juniors go behindthem, then sophomores, and finally freshman.
A final message that Phoebe wants the mustangs attending future games to hear is “Don’tbe afraid to show school spirit. Go all out, don’t be scared to cheer and dress up”. Showingschool spirit is in no way embarrassing. We hope to see everyone at the next game showing the‘stangs support!